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Thursday, 13 October 2005
Misi Kemanusiaan Haluan Pakistan (MKPAK)
Assalamualaikum wbth...

Haluan telah bersetuju menggerakkan MKPAK hasil
daripada mesyuarat pada 11 Oct yg dipengerusikan oleh
Akhi Azhar ( Exco Pusat merangkap Ketua Biro
Kemanusiaan & Kecemasan )

Sekretariat MKPAK telah ditubuhkan. Pasukan 1 dijangka
akan dihantar pada Isnin/Selasa ini, insyaAllah.
Sekretariat MKPAK mengalu-alukan kepada sukarelawan
HALUAN yang bersedia dan berkemampuan untuk menyertai
Misi ini.

Keterangan lanjut, hubungi:
Ketua Sekretariat: Azhar Idris - 013 2065499
S/U Kelab Kesihatan Haluan :Akhi Azmi - 019 231 0127

Setakat ini 3 relawan telah mendaftar diri.

Posted by tarbawi at 12:58 PM JST
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Tuesday, 27 September 2005
From: den n
Date: Mon Sep 26, 2005 9:43 pm

Petikan Haluan Bil 9, Edisi 97, Keluaran lama, tapi isu up-to-date.

Tanpa edit.


Firman Allah SWT yang bermaksud;

“Sesungguhnya Allah mencintai orang yang berperang di jalan Allah dalam barisan yang teratur seumpama bangunan yang kukuh.” (Surah As-Shaf: 4)

Ayat di atas menjelaskan sifat organisasi Islam yang bekerja untuk menegakkan Islam sebagai ad-din (cara hidup). Sifat yang dijelaskan oleh Allah ialah "dalam barisan yang teratur rapi seumpama bangunan yang kukuh".

Mereka yang menganggotai organisasi seperti ini dicintai Allah. Oleh demikian anda perlu berfikir secara insaf adakah anda termasuk dalam golongan yang dicintai Allah atau sebaliknya. Adakah anda menjadi anggota sebuah organisasi yang tersusun rapi?

Bangunan yang kukuh

Mengapakah Allah mencintai barisan yang tersusun rapi seumpama bangunan yang kukuh? Anda tentu memahami bahawa sebuah bangunan yang kukuh sahaja dapat memenuhi fungsinya dengan sempurna. Bangunan yang kukuh sahaja dapat menampung segala isi di dalamnya tanpa mengalami retak atau runtuh. Isi di dalam bangunan sama ada manusia, perabot, peralatan dan lain-lain kadangkala berubah. Tanpa kekukuhan yang sewajarnya, sesebuah bangunan tidak akan dapat memikul beban yang berubah ini. Selain itu, sesebuah bangunan juga terdedah kepada angin kencang, hujan lebat dan mungkin gempa bumi. Sekali lagi, semua unsur cuaca dan alam ini perlu dihadapi sesebuah bangunan dengan kekukuhan yang sewajarnya. Jika tidak, bangunan tersebut mungkin mengalami gegaran, retak atau runtuh.

Bagaimana pula dengan sebuah organisasi Islam anda?

Organisasi Islam merupakan tempat untuk anda melaksanakan pelbagai aktiviti Islam. Ia merupakan tempat merancang, melaksana dan mengawasi aktiviti-aktiviti dakwah, tarbiyah dan siasah. Oleh demikian, organisasi tersebut perlu mempunyai struktur yang memungkinkan semua aktiviti yang dihajati dapat dilaksanakan. Ini bermakna, bukan sahaja struktur perlu dirangka dengan sebaik-baiknya, malah struktur itu perlu diisi dengan angota yang mampu menangani peranan yang ditentukan. Hanya dengan struktur yang sesuai dan anggota yang berkemampuan sahaja sesebuah organisasi dapat memenuhi fungsinya. Jika tidak, organisasi mungkin wujud tetapi aktiviti tidak dapat dilaksanakan dengan sebaik-baiknya.

Setelah menyentuh soal organisasi, cuba lihat pula anggota yang mengisi organisasi. Untuk lebih memahami aspek ini, anda perlu mengaitkan individu dengan aktiviti yang ingin dilaksanakan dalam sesebuah organisasi. Aspek utama yang membezakan aktiviti Islam dengan aktiviti lain ialah matlamat akhir yang ingin dicapai melalui aktiviti berkenaan. Dalam aktiviti atau amal Islam, matlamat akhir yang ingin dicapai ialah keredaan Allah. Matlamat ini hanya diketahui apabila anda bertemu dengan Allah di akhirat nanti. Oleh demikian, setiap anggota perlu meletakkan matlamat akhir ini sebagai dasar penyertaannya dalam organisasi dan pelaksanaan aktiviti. Matlamat ini perlu dibina dan disuburkan dalam hati anda secara berterusan. Tanpa matlamat ini, segala aktiviti tidak dapat dilaksanakan dengan sebaik-baiknya kerana anda tidak mempunyai motivasi dalam bentuk kebendaan. Malah, aktiviti yang ingin dilaksanakan tidak menjanjikan ganjaran kewangan atau kebendaan.

Matlamat akhir

Berdasarkan kepada matlamat akhir ini, anda mengharapkan setiap anggota organisasi akan berperanan dan melaksanakan tanggungjawab memperku-kuhkan organisasi. Memang ada peranan dan tangungjawab yang dikhususkan untuk anggota tertentu. Namun demikian, banyak lagi peranan dan tanggungjawab yang boleh dilaksanakan oleh setiap anggota. Umpamanya menyebarkan kefahaman dan kesedaran Islam. Peranan ini mungkin dapat dilaksanakan dengan berbagai-bagai cara seperti hubungan individu atau menyertai aktiviti Islam yang ada di sekeliling anda. Peranan ini sangat besar kesannya terhadap Islam. Setiap anggota juga boleh meneruskan usaha menyebarkan kefahaman tadi dengan membentuk individu yang menerima seruan Islam, sekiranya berkemampuan. Ini adalah contoh usaha yang sepatutnya dicari dan dilaksanakan oleh anggota organisasi yang berkemampuan. Peranan ini tidak mungkin dapat diberi atau disogok seperti peranan dalam pentadbiran pejabat. Sebaliknya ia perlu dicari dan memerlukan inisiatif serta kreativiti sendiri.

Matlamat di atas juga perlu menjadi dasar bagi pelaksanaan aktiviti organisasi secara menyeluruh. Apabila setiap anggota jelas mengenai matlamat akhirnya, barulah aktiviti organisasi dapat disempurnakan dengan sepenuh hati, bukan secara terpaksa. Pelaksanaan secara sepenuh hati bermakna dilaksanakan dengan penuh minat, tumpuan dan rasa gembira. Inilah yang akan menentukan sama ada sesuatu aktiviti itu dilaksanakan dengan cemerlang atau ala kadar sahaja. Oleh itu, setiap angota organisasi perlu menyedari kepentingan memiliki matlamat akhir yang jelas dan berusaha memupuknya dalam hati mereka.

Piramid atau khemah?

Persoalannya adakah anda telah berpuas hati dengan organisasi yang anda anggotai? Adakah struktur yang ada merupakan struktur piramid yang kukuh dan tahan uji? Atau struktur yang ada hanyalah struktur khemah yang sementara dan rapuh? Mudah-mudahan anda tidak mudah tertipu dengan struktur berbentuk piramid tetapi hakikatnya bukan piramid. Untuk membina sebuah piramid, anda memerlukan batu-batu pejal yang besar dan logistik yang sangat canggih. Piramid yang sebenarnya telah dibina dengan usaha yang sangat besar dan perbelanjaan yang sangat mahal. Piramid yang sebenarnya adalah kukuh dan dapat menghadapi apa sahaja bentuk cuaca di sekelilingnya. Hujan ribut atau puting beliung sekalipun tidak menjejaskan piramid. Oleh itu, tidak hairanlah jikalau piramid dapat bertahan sehingga berabad-abad lamanya.

Sebaliknya hari ini anda lebih mudah membina khemah. Khemah merupakan binaan sementara yang terlalu lemah dan mudah runtuh. Namun demikian, khemah adalah sesuai untuk tujuan perkelahan atau penginapan sementara. Ia mudah dibina dan mudah dibuka. Oleh kerana strukturnya yang kecil dan ringan, khemah mungkin tumbang atau terbang apabila ditiup angin kencang. Ini bermakna khemah tidak dapat bertahan untuk satu jangka masa yang lama. Itulah hakikat khemah yang rapuh walaupun bentuknya seperti piramid yang kukuh.

Oleh demikian, cubalah nilai diri sendiri, sama ada organisasi anda merupakan sebuah piramid yang kukuh ataupun khemah yang rapuh. Dan apakah sumbangan anda untuk memperkukuhkan organisasi tersebut? -

Posted by tarbawi at 12:25 PM JST
Updated: Wednesday, 28 September 2005 1:44 PM JST
Wednesday, 29 June 2005
Topic: Nikmat Ukhwah
From: den n
Date: Wed Jun 22, 2005 3:15 pm


Kepada sahabat-sahabat yang dikasihi,

Semoga Allah terus melimpahkan nikmat ukhuwwah kepada kita,

Semoga Allah menjauhkan kita dari virus-virus yang merosakkan salah satu dari kekuatan Islam,

Jauhi perselisihan, tingkatkan ukhuwwah, kerana Allah, untuk Islam.

Berikut beberapa petikan dari buku Virus- virus Ukhuwwah, oleh Abu ‘Ashim Hisyam Bin Abdul Qadir ‘Uqdah, untuk sama-sama kita hayati.

Hai orang-orang yang beriman, jauhilah prasangka kerana prasangka itu dosa, dan janganlah kamu mencari-cari kesalahan orang lain dan janganlah kamu menggunjing sebahagian yang lain. Sukakah salah seorang dari kamu memakan daging saudaranya yang sudah mati? Maka tentulah kamu merasa jijik kepadanya. Dan bertakwalah kepada Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah maha Penerima Taubat dan maha Penyayang. (Al Hujurat, 12)

Seseorang diantara kamu tidak beriman (dengan sempurna) kecuali setelah mencitai saudaranya seperti mencintai dirinya. (Hadis riwayat Bukhari)

Jika kulihat perubahan pada diri sahabat karibku
Bumi yang terbentang luas seakan menghimpit diriku
Jika aku menghampirinya untuk membereskannya
Matanya memancarkan kemarahan padaku
Padahal hatiku tidak marah

Jika seseorang mencintaiku, maka akan kubalas
Dengan ketulusan cinta sepanjang masa
Namun ketika ia mulai menjauhi
Sementara cintaku terus bersemi

Kupanjatkan doa pada Ilahi
Agar memberi petunjuk yang menerangi

Kurasa engkau selalu menjauhi dariku,
Maka aku pun menjauh seperti yang kau mahu
jauh darimu sungguh menyakitkanku
Namun kedekatanku menyakitimu

Apa yang harus kulakukan wahai sahabat...

Antara Virus-Virus Ukhuwwah

Tamak akan kenikmatan dunia
Lalai menjalankan ibadah dan melanggar tuntutan agama
Tidak santun dalam berbicara
Sikap Acuh
Mengadakan pembicaraan rahsia
Keras kepala, enggan menerima nasihat dan saranan
Sering membantah, berbeza sikap dan hobi, bersikap sombong dan kasar
Memberi teguran di depan orang lain
Sering menegur, tidak toleran, berfikiran negatif dan enggan memaafkan
Mudah percaya terhadap hasutan orang yang mengadu domba dan memendam dengki.

Posted by tarbawi at 10:02 AM JST
Friday, 18 June 2004
Mood:  irritated
No title

As an ex-lecturer at one of the medical schools in Malaysia for 13 years

(1984-1997), I taught medical students during their first year at the

medical faculty.


The matriculation was initially introduced with all the noble intentions

of the NEP and it was for the duration of two academic years, equivalent

to that of STPM. Over the years, the matriculation period was reduced to

one academic year (I can't remember exactly why).


We (the lecturers) began to notice the difference in the quality of the

students - between those coming from the STPM (mainly non-bumis) and those

coming from the matriculation system (the bumis).


Although the students from matriculation were also the cream of the bumi

students, in general they could not fare as well as the non-bumis. No

matter how hard the lecturers try to coax (sometime to the extent of spoon

feeding) and motivate them, we could see the difference.


Even when answering essay questions in Bahasa Malaysia, the non-bumis

fared better. I could tell the difference in the script.


Students coming after STPM are more mature, resilient, confident,

independent, self-directed, motivated and with high self-esteem. The

students from matriculation are hardworking and also motivated but

something is amiss with their pre-university education i.e during



They seem to be not fully ready for university life and academic

expectations. I am not saying that all matriculation students are like

this.. The majority of top 10 students are still bumi students but in

general, perhaps the bottom 50 percent are also from matriculation.


Of course, when I was still employed there, we lecturers do give our input

to the powers-that-be in the university. We even suggested doing away with

the matriculation and have one university entry examination.


We were told it was not for us to decide, the politicians are the ones who

make the decisions. Try talking to rational, farsighted Malay

educationists (not nationalists) and they will give you the same



Over the years, the structure of the matriculation system has been changed

a number of times. Before it was under the various universities, now it is

under the Education Ministry. This affected the monitoring of the

students' performance in the matriculation system.


The mindset of the Malay students (and Malay politicians, i.e Umno ,

nationalists and even Malay teachers) has been frozen in the yesteryears

and it will take a great effort to thaw it.


When I suggested to some post-SPM Malay students (who excelled in the SPM)

to choose STPM over matriculation, they refused to do so, citing teachers

who said that the STPM was difficult and more so for Malays because Form

Six teachers were mainly Chinese and non-bumis!


Actually, I think the bumi students in matriculation are a capable lot. Justice is not being done to them by not allowing them to compete and this does not help toempower their intelligence. The semester system adopted

does not allow much time for them to digest and analyse the voluminous

information and knowledge being pushed down their throats.


What matters is .vomiting¹ out the information on to the exam papers and

after that they can forget about it. Next semester there will be other

papers and what was taught in the first semester will not be asked again

in the second semester.


Life in matriculation schools is about cramming information. Interaction

is only amongst the bumis with a sprinkling of non-Malays who perhaps will

also keep to themselves. There is very minimal cross interaction and

learning from students of other races.


It is not so bad for those who came from an urban background, but for the

Malays who are from rural schools, they will remain in their cocoon.

Hence, when they enter university, it is an emotional and cultural shock.


You can't blame the students (both bumis and non-bumis) for only clicking

with their own kind. They feel insecure with the other and they sometimes

compete unhealthily. Knowledge is not shared and it is not unusual to hear

that important reference materials only get passed from one person to

another of the same race.


Study groups consist only of one group of students of the same race. Talk

about polarisation. Who polarised them? Talk about unity and Bangsa

Malaysia, who disunited them?


I do not understand why the government cannot see the .loss¹ the bumi

students are experiencing in the long run. Let¹s adopt one entry system.

The setback will only be temporary to the bumis.


We can turn the matriculation schools to Form Six schools. Teachers in the

matriculation system should have no problems teaching in Form Six since

the there is not much difference in the syllabus and they are also

graduates majoring in the subjects they are teaching. Teachers in the

matriculation should also be exposed to the more experienced STPM teachers

(if this is the perception).


With regards to the criteria for university entrance, which may not

necessarily be 100 percent academic, I would agree that students of all

races from disadvantaged backgrounds and rural schools (unless the

Education Ministry is saying that all schools are of the same calibre) be

given due consideration.


However, whatever the criteria is, the students must know all of them and

how much weightage each carries.


Let's hope concerned Malaysians who feel strongly about the university

entry system will not stop discussing about it. In fact I think we all

should form an NGO specifically to work towards a common pre-university

education that will open the way for a common university entry



I can only say that the recent .heroic¹ act by our prime minister in

allowing the 128 non-bumi students to do medicine is a political ploy and

the scripts have been acted out well.


Perhaps next year, he will ask the universities to take in Indian students

who are not selected and the year after that, Malay students who made it

but were not given the opportunity. All the three main races are kept

happy using the rotation system!



Posted by tarbawi at 4:50 PM JST
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How important is language ?
Mood:  amorous
Topic: How important is language
No title
From:  "pakhafiz" <pakhafizukm@y...>
Date:  Tue Jun 15, 2004  11:29 am
Subject:  Fw: How important is language ???

asm, di negara kita, tulisan jawi dah pupus, akhbar utusan melayu pun dah jadi tabloid mingguan aje...ini pastinya bukan kebetulan tapi perancangan musuh...
berapa ramai kita yg masih fasih baca dan tulis jawi? belum lagi tanya bab arab!
w/s aja
The demise of an islamic link through the politics of language 

India serves as a great example of how literature and language can be exploited and created for furthering Illuminati interests. Wilkie Collins of the Illuminati Collins bloodline started publishing imaginary tales of Muslim atrocities against Hindus and temple trashing by Muslim rulers in his famous novel, the Moonstone 
Hindus who were a non-cohesive group living peacefully with Muslims for years were suddenly pitted against Muslims. An Englishman started the original controversy of the Babri mosque being built on the birthplace of Hindu God Ram.
To further distance Muslims from their Persian language and therefore Islamic roots, the British popularized Urdu language as a mass language for Muslims. The reason was that Urdu while sharing the script of Persian happened to be littered with native Indian words, making it more localized in its nature; and inheriting all the class bias of Indian language as well. Then the British created Hindi language out of thin air as a national language for Hindus. Hindi was spoken like Urdu but had the script of Sanskrit, a Hindu script which had gone extinct centuries ago. Hindi would give Hindus identity making them antagonist to Muslims'and Muslims would be encouraged to abandon Urdu for Hindi, breaking complete contact with Islamic script. A certain John Gilchrist of Fort William College, Calcutta, directed these language politics. Mr. Gilchrist can be aptly called the father of Hindi language.

Languages were not the only tools the Illuminati created. Realising the danger posed by the call for jihad during Muslim Friday sermons, the British created a bogus Islam known as Qadyanism/Ahmedism/Ismailism, complete with its very own false prophet! This new cult would preach a "Colonial friendly Islam" and at the same time engage in assassinations of real Muslim intellectuals.......


Posted by tarbawi at 11:59 AM JST
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Thursday, 15 April 2004
From: "Ukhti-Yang-Musykil" (
Subject: pertanyaan
Date: Sat 04/10/04 12:20 AM


Kalau boleh saya cuma nak confirmkan saja ttg satu perkara. Dalam web boycott israel campaign, takda pula diletakkan KFC sekali di situ....cuma nak tanya, mmg KFC tidak terlibat sekali ke? Bukannya apa, kebetulan dulu saya mmg penggemar KFC, tapi saya stop lepas dengar ura2 kata dia pun contribute to israel. Dan saya lihat KFC tak dilabelkan sekali dalam boycott campaign. Jadi saya harap sekiranya ada jawapan silalah berikan. Jzkk, wslm.


KFC memang tidak tersenarai dalam rekod 'Boycot Israel Campaign'tapi ia adalah 'franchise' kepada syarikat induk di US. Memandangkan kepada ankara US memusuhi negara-negara umat Islam seperti Iraq serta bersekongkol dengan regim Tel Aviv seboleh-bolehnya kita elakkan dari menggunakan barangan Amerika. Saya sendiri memulau semua barangan US selain dari AMD computer processor dan Tripod web service kerana tiada alternatif lain. Di samping itu ada beberapa aspek lain yang menyebabkan seorang da'iy/da'iyah seeloknya tidak berulang-alik ke KFC.

1- Difahamkan ada bahan dalam resepi KFC yang diimpot khas dari USA yang kita tidak tahu apa kandungannya. Ini termasuk dalam kategori shubhah yang meragukan kita tentang halal/haramnya.

2- Pernah JAKIM menarik balik tanda 'HALAL'nya dari KFC. Saya tidak tahu apa kedudukannya sekarang dalam hal ini.

3- Sejauhmanakah Ayamas (pembekal ayam kepada KFC) pekerjanya meyembelih beribu-ribu ekor ayam dalam satu hari dengan penuh menjaga adab dan syarat penyembelihan Islam. Saya pernah perhatikan di pasar pun tukang sembelih menyembelih ayam-ayamnya sambil berdiri tegak tidak berbaju sambil rancak bercakap-cakap/berbual-bual dengan rakan sekerjanya, masa bila dia baca bismillah???

4- Makan di 'fastfood chains' adalah gayahidup yang cuba diekspotkan oleh US ke seluruh dunia. Inilah gayahidup kebanyakan orang biasa sekarang samada tua atau muda, Melayu, Cina mau pun India. Tapi ini tidak menyebabkan makan di KFC menjadi haram di sisi syara'. Namun kita hampir tidak pernah terserempak dengan para ustaz/imam/mufti yang bersongkok putih atau berjubah, ustazah bertudung labuh sering berulang-alik ke KFC. Yang selalu kita nampak ialah yang memakai 'cap' jika lelaki atau bertudung segitiga dan ber'T'-shirt lengan pendek di samping memakai jeans ketat/sendat jika perempuan. Yang lebih teruk dari itu pun ada.

Sebagai da'iy/da'iyah yang tinggi hubungan hatinya dengan Allah swt, kita memiliki syakhsiyah rupadiri yang jauh lebih baik dari orang biasa. Tidak nampak canggung sekiranya kita makan di restoran atau warung biasa berbanding dengan 'fastfood chains' seperti KFC, McDonald, Coffee Bean dan sebagainya. Apatah lagi kita amat meragui bahan-bahan yang ditambah kedalam resepi mereka.

Dalam konteks menjaga syubhah dan syakhsiyah rupadiri di Mesir, anggota Ikhwan seboleh-bolehnya tidak melalui jalan-jalan yang popular dengan sarang-sarang maksiat dan mereka tidak meletakkan kenderaan mereka di hadapan pawagam, kedai arak dan judi. Ini supaya tidak timbul salah tafsir orang ramai (mad'uu) terhadap keperibadian mereka. Di sini saya tidak maksudkan KFC sama dengan pawagam, kedai arak dan judi, cuma sekadar langkah lebih berhati-hati dalam kita membawa keperibadian ummah (shakhsiyah ma'anawiyah jama'ah).

Sabda Rasulullah saw yang bermaksud:
"Seorang hamba tidak akan mencapai darjat muttaqin sehinggalah dia meninggalkan perkara yang tidak salah (harus)kerana takut terjatuh ke dalam perkara yang salah (haram)."
(Hadith riwayat AlTirmizi, Ibn Majah dan AlHakim. AlTirmizi berkata hadith ini hasan.)

Ungkapan yang masyhur di kalangan para solihin:
"Hasanat-ul-abrar sayyiat-ul-muqarrabin" yang bermaksud, "Perkara-perkara yang dipandang baik bagi golongan abrar dipandang sebagai buruk (tidak baik)di kalangan para muqarrabin".

Bagaimanapun kandungan jawapan ini ditujukan khusus kepada para da'iy/da'iyah yang telah melalui proses tarbiyah sehingga jiwanya bersedia melaksanakan yang terbaik untuk dirinya pada kacamata syara'.

Kepada orang awam biasa atau mad'uu baru memadai kita beri jawapan 1, 2 dan 3 sahaja. Sekiranya mereka tidak bersetuju kita tidak boleh menjatuhkan fatwa haram makan di KFC kerana kita tidak mempunyai bukti-bukti yang jelas haram atau halalnya. Bagi kita ianya syubhah melainkan ada antara kita yang mempunyai maklumat terperinci dan pasti tentang halal atau haramnya.


Posted by tarbawi at 10:21 AM JST
Updated: Friday, 16 April 2004 9:59 AM JST
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Tuesday, 13 April 2004
US Seeks To 'Reform' Islam
Apr 11, 2004
by Jim Lobe

[Seiring dengan promosi 'Islam Hadhari' oleh pemerintah Malaysia, pihak berkuasa Amerika Syarikat juga sedang berkerja keras untuk mempromosikan 'Islam Amerika' kepada Dunia Umat Islam. Pada hakikatnya kedua-duanya tidak berbeza dari segi tujuan dan tafsirannya.

Kedua-duanya bertujuan membendung tersebarnya kefahaman Islam tulen yang sebenar supaya ditolak dan dipandang sepi oleh umat Islam. Mereka mahu menafsirkan Islam dengan warna-warna yang mereka sukai. Mereka takut sekiranya umat Islam kembali menghayati Islam yang bersumberkan AlQuran dan Sunnah Rasulillah saw. Mereka mahu supaya Islam terus menerus diperintah bukan memerintah.

Telitilah artikel berikut yang diperik dari laman Jihad Unspun. - Akhukumfillah.]

One thing that can be said about U.S. neo-conservatives is they do not lack for ambition.

"We need an Islamic reformation," Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz confided on the eve of the US invasion of Iraq last year, "and I think there is real hope for one."

Echoing those views one year later, another prominent neo-conservative, Daniel Pipes of the Philadelphia-based Middle East Forum (MEF), recently declared that the "ultimate goal" of the war on terrorism had to be Islam's modernization, or, as he put it, "religion-building."

Such an effort needs to be waged not only in the Islamic world, geographically speaking, added Pipes, who last year was appointed by President George W. Bush to the board of directors of the US Institute for Peace (USIP), but also among Muslims in the West, where, in his view, they are too often represented by "Islamist (or militant Islamic)" organizations.

Pipes is currently seeking funding for a new organization, tentatively named the "Islamic Progress Institute" (IPI), which "can articulate a moderate, modern and pro-American viewpoint" on behalf of US Muslims and that, according to a grant proposal by Pipes and two New York-based foundations obtained by IPS, can "go head-to-head with the established Islamist institutions."

"Through adroit media activity and political efforts," says the proposal, "advocates for a supremacist and totalitarian form of Islam in the United States ?????" such as the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) ?????" have effectively established themselves as the spokesmen for all Muslims in the country."

"This situation is fraught with dangers for moderate Muslims as well as for non-Muslims," the proposal continues, adding, "Islam in America must be American Islam or it will not be integrated; there can be no place for an Islam in America that functions as a seditious conspiracy aimed at wiping out American values, undermining American interfaith civility, and, in effect, dictating the form of Islam that will be followed in America."

Leaders of the three groups named by Pipes strongly deny his characterizations of their views, and stress that they, like Catholic, Protestant and Jewish groups in the United States that promote the interests of their members are neither more nor less radical or chauvinistic in their political or theological views than their non-Muslim counterparts.

"We are nonsectarian" said Sayyid M. Syeed, ISNA's secretary general, who said his group has had leaders from both the Shi'a and Sunni currents of Islam and whose current vice president is a woman. "If we were Saudi-oriented, we would never have a Shi'a president or a woman in such a role," he said, adding that his group is also actively engaged in many "interfaith partnerships."

CAIR's spokesman, Ibrahim Hooper, said his organization strives to represent the views of all US Muslims, and pointed to a new survey of the views of mosque leaders and congregants in Detroit, which has one of the largest Muslim populations in the country, as an example of the fundamental moderation of US Muslims and those of his group.

The survey, carried out by the Michigan-based Institute for Social Policy and Understanding, found that only about eight percent of the leadership and members of Detroit's 33 mosques described themselves as adherents of a fundamentalist, "salafi" approach to Islam of the kind that is identified with the "Wahhabi," or "Islamist" views of concern to Pipes and other neo-conservatives, who have said that as many as 80 percent of US mosques preach Wahhabism.

The vast majority of both mosque leaders and participants, according to the Detroit survey, were registered to vote and supported active engagement in the political process; wanted to engage in civic and educational activities with people of non-Muslim faiths; and even took part in public school or church events designed to teach others about Islam.

"Detroit mosques are not isolationist ... and very few mosque participants hold Wahhabi views," said Ihsan Bagby, who conducted the survey and teaches Islamic Studies at the University of Kentucky.

Pipes, who has written four books on Islam and taught Islamic studies at several leading universities, came to national prominence after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on New York and the Pentagon. While he has long insisted that there is nothing inherently violent about Islam, "moderate Muslims," in his view, have been intimidated by radicals both in the Islamic world and in the United States.

"While Muslims in some Muslim-majority countries (like Turkey) have demonstrated a commitment to moderate Islam," he writes in his grant application, "Muslim communities in the United States, Canada and Western Europe are dominated by a leadership identified with Wahhabism and other radical trends, such as the Muslim Brethren and Deobandism ...they seek a privileging of Islam and intimidate their critics."

Within the United States, "all Muslims, unfortunately, are suspect," Pipes wrote in a recent book, which called for the authorities to be especially vigilant towards Muslims with jobs in the military, law enforcement, or diplomacy.

Last year, he cited as evidence of this insight the arrest on suspicion of espionage of Muslim chaplain James Yee at the Guantanamo Bay detention facility that houses hundreds of prisoners from Bush's "war on terrorism." The Yee case later fell apart.

Pipes is also the founder of Campus Watch, a group that monitors university professors of Middle Eastern and Islamic studies and exposes them for alleged anti-American or anti-Zionist views.

That effort, which has been denounced by leading Middle East scholars, has become the basis for a far-reaching bill pending in Congress that would provide unprecedented government oversight of regional studies programs in universities.

Pipes has also criticized Bush for meeting with, and thus he argues legitimizing, the leaders of major Islamic organizations, including CAIR and ISNA, which he believes are pursuing radical, if partially hidden, agendas that he attempts tirelessly to expose on his personal website. CAIR has called him "the nation's leading Islamophobe."

Like many of his fellow-neo-conservatives, Pipes has also been an outspoken supporter of positions taken by the governing Likud Party in Israel, to the extent even of opposing the U.S.-backed "road map" designed to lead to an independent Palestinian state.

To encourage "moderation" among Palestinians, he has written, "the Palestinians need to be defeated even more than Israel needs to defeat them."

In his grant proposal, Pipes writes that he is working on launching the IPI with "a group of anti-Islamist Muslims," whom he does not identify.

Contacted about the proposal, Pipes told IPS, "I can't confirm anything. MEF doesn't talk about its proposals. We don't talk about projects that have not been announced. We don't talk about internal matters to the press."

In a trip to Cleveland in February, Stephen Schwartz, a writer and former Trotskyite activist who claims to have converted to Islam in the mid-1990s, and Hussein Haqqani, a former Pakistani government official now with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, unveiled plans for a new "Institute for Islamic Progress and Peace" (IIPP) of which Schwartz identified himself as executive director.

Schwartz, who has praised Pipes' work and claims to be personally close to Wolfowitz, has published articles in The Weekly Standard and other neo-conservative publications, where Pipes' writings also appear regularly. Schwartz was quoted by the Cleveland Jewish Press saying that the new group would serve as a "platform" for "people who view Islam as a private faith."

"This is a unique chance to change the position of the Muslim community in America," he said. "If we don't do it, no one else will." Schwartz and Haqqani also did not return messages left at their offices.

Muslim leaders say they are not worried their membership will desert them for either new group.

"There's a big difference between organizations that emerge organically from a community in response to the demand of their constituencies and one which is manufactured for political reasons by people who dislike what the consensus views of that community are," said Hussein Ibish of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, which has also been a target of Pipes.

"For Mr. Pipes to create an organization that purports to represent the community that he makes a living systematically defaming demonstrates an amazing degree of effrontery."

"It's a free country," said CAIR's Hooper. "If Pipes and his friends think they can gain legitimacy in the Islamic community, good luck, but I wouldn't hold my breath."

Posted by tarbawi at 11:32 PM JST
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Thursday, 1 April 2004
Date: Wed Mar 3, 2004 6:50 pm
Subject: cuba bace nie..rasenye best!

Ada sedikit ilmu yg ingin saya kongsi
bersama dengan kawan2 semua...
Rupa2nya tanpa kita sedo, dalam makanan yg kita makan
sehari2, kita tak boleh main balun aje sebab itulah
terjadinya penyakit kencing manis, lumpuh, sakit
jantung, keracunan makanan dan lain2 penyakit apabila
kita telah tua nanti. Apabila kawan2 telah mengetahui
ilmu ini, tolonglah ajarkan kepada yg lain2nya.

Ini pun adalah diet Rasullulah SAW kita juga. Ustaz
Abdullah Mahmood kata, Rasullulah tak pernah sakit
perut sepanjang hayatnya kerana pandai jaga
pemakanannya sehari2. apa kata kita ikut diet ini
kawan2. tak payahlah susah2 makan pil untuk kurus?
Insyaallah kalau kawan2 ikut diet Rasullullah ini?.
Garenti? kawan2 takkan sakit perut ataupun keracunan

Jangan makan SUSU + DAGING

Jangan makan DAGING + IKAN

Jangan makan IKAN + SUSU

Jangan makan AYAM + SUSU

Jangan makan IKAN + TELUR

Jangan makan IKAN + DAUN SALAD

Jangan makan SUSU + CUKA

Jangan makan BUAH + SUSU CTH :- KOKTEL




Nampak memanglah pelik... tapi, kalau tak percaya...
kawan2 cubalah... ianya takdelah dalam jangka masa
terdekat nie.... Ianya berkesan bila kita sudah tua


Posted by tarbawi at 6:56 PM WST
Updated: Thursday, 8 April 2004 12:29 AM JST
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Three Generals, One Martyr

By Uri Avnery
March 29, 2004

Five hundred black- and white-bearded Hamas members were sitting opposite me. Venerable sheikhs and young people. On the side, some rows were occupied by women. I was standing on the stage, talking in Hebrew, with the crossed flags of Israel and Palestine on my lapel.

As I have recounted already several times, it happened like this: at the end of 1992, the new Prime Minister, Yitzhaq Rabin, expelled 415 Islamic activists - mostly Hamas members - to the Lebanese border area. In protest, we put up tents opposite the Prime Minister's office in Jerusalem. There we spent 45 days and nights - Israeli peace activists (who were later to found Gush Shalom) and Arab citizens of Israel, mostly members of the Islamic movement. Most of the time it was very cold, and some days our tents were covered with snow. There was a lot of debate in the tents, the Jews learning something about Islam and the Muslims something about Judaism.

The expelled militants themselves vegetated for a year in the hilly landscape, between the Israeli and Lebanese armies. The whole world followed their suffering. After a year they were allowed back, and the Hamas leaders in Gaza organized a homecoming reception for them in the biggest hall in town. They invited those Israelis who had protested against the expulsion. I was asked to make a speech. I spoke about peace, and in the intermission we were invited to have lunch with the hosts. I was impressed by the friendly attitude of the hundreds of people who were there.

Undoubtedly, Sheikh Ahmed Yassin and the spokesman of the expellees, Dr. Abd-al-Aziz al-Rantissi (who became Sheikh Yassin's successor last week) would have been present, too, if they had not been kept in prison.

I recount this experience in order to point out that the picture of Hamas as an inveterate enemy of all peace and compromise is not accurate. Of course, 10 years of bloodshed, suicide bombings and targeted assassinations have passed since then. But even now, the picture is much more complex than meets the eye.

There are different tendencies in Hamas. The ideological hard core does indeed refuse any peace or compromise with Israel. They consider it a foreign implantation in Palestine, which in Islamic doctrine is a Muslim "wakf" (religious grant). But many Hamas sympathizers do not treat the organization as an ideological center but rather as an instrument for fighting Israel in pursuit of realistic objectives.

Sheikh Yassin himself announced some months ago in a German paper that the fight would be discontinued after the establishment of a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders. Recently, he offered a "hudna" (truce) for 30 years. (Which strongly reminds one of Ariel Sharon's suggestion that Israel would give up the Gaza Strip and retain large parts of the West Bank for an interim phase to last for 20 years.)

Therefore, the murder of the Sheikh did not serve any positive aim. It was an act of folly.

The three generals who actually direct the affairs of Israel - Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, Minister of Defense Sha'ul Mofaz and Chief-of-Staff Mosh Ya'alon - maintain that "in the short run" the assassination would indeed increase the attacks on Israeli citizens, but "in the long run" it would help to "rout terrorism". They are very careful not to spell out when the "short run" ends and the "long run" begins. Our generals do not believe in timetables.

I take the liberty to tell these three illustrious strategists: Nonsense in tomato juice! (as you say in Hebrew slang). Or rather, nonsense in blood.

In the short run, this action endangers our personal security; in the long run it represents an even greater danger to our national security.

In the short run, it has increased the motivation for Hamas to carry out deadly attacks. Every Israeli understands this and is taking extra precautions these days. But the less obvious results are much more threatening.

In the hearts of hundreds of thousands of children in the Palestinian territories and the Arab countries, this murder has raised a storm of rage and thirst for revenge, together with feelings of frustration and humiliation in view of the impotence of the Arab world. This will produce not only thousands of new potential suicide bombers inside the country, but also tens of thousands of volunteers for the radical Islamic organizations throughout the Arab world. (I know, because at the age of 15 I joined the armed underground in similar circumstances.)

There is no stronger weapon for a fighting organization than a martyr. Suffice it to mention Avraham Stern, alias Ya'ir, who was killed by the British police in Tel-Aviv in 1942. His blood gave an impulse to the emergence of the Lehi underground (nicknamed "the Stern gang") which only four years later was playing a major role in the expulsion of the British from Palestine.

But Ya'ir's standing was nothing compared to the standing of Sheikh Yassin. The man was practically born to fulfill the role of a sainted martyr: a religious personality, a paraplegic in a wheelchair, broken in body but not in spirit, a militant who spent years in prison, a leader who continued his fight after miraculously surviving an earlier assassination attempt, a hero cowardly murdered from the air while leaving the mosque after prayer. Even a writer of genius could not have invented a figure more suited to the adoration of a billion Muslims, in this and coming generations.

The murder of Yassin will encourage cooperation among the Palestinian fighting organizations. Here, too, a parallel with the Hebrew underground presents itself. In a certain phase of the fight against the British, there was much unrest among the members of the Hagana, the semi-official underground army of the Zionist leadership (comparable to Fatah today). The Hagana (which included the elite Palmakh formation) was seen to be inactive, while the Irgun and Lehi appeared as heroes who carried out incredibly audacious actions. The ferment inside the Hagana caused the emergence of a group called "Fighting Nation" which advocated close cooperation between the various organizations. A number of Hagana members simply went over to Lehi.

Now it is happening among the Palestinians. The lines between the various groups are becoming more and more blurred. Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade members cooperate with Hamas and Jihad, contrary to the orders of their political leadership, saying that "since we are killed together, let us fight together". This phenomenon is bound to grow and make the attacks more effective.

Hamas' popularity among the population is rising sky-high, together with its capability to carry out attacks. This does not mean that the Palestinian public accepts the aim of an Islamic state or that it has given up the idea of a Palestinian state alongside Israel. Even among Hamas members, many embrace this idea. But the admiration of the masses for the attackers and their actions reflects the conviction that the Israelis understand only the language of force, and that experience proves that without extreme violence the Palestinians will not achieve anything at all.

Unfortunately, there is no real evidence for the opposite. The truth is that the Palestinians have never achieved anything without resorting to violence. Therefore the petitions being signed these days by well-meaning Palestinian personalities, calling for an end to the armed struggle, will have no effect. They cannot point to any other method that will sound convincing to their public. And our government always, without exception, presents such moves as a sign of weakness.

In the even longer run, the assassination of Yassin poses an existential danger. For five generations, the Israel-Palestinian conflict was essentially a national conflict - a clash between two great national movements, each of which claimed the country for itself. A national conflict is basically rational, it can be solved by compromise. This may be difficult, but it is possible. Our nightmare has always been that the national struggle would turn into a religious one. Since every religion claims to represent absolute truth, religious struggles do not allow for compromise.

The martyrdom of Sheikh Yassin pushes even further away the chance of Israel ever attaining peace and tranquility, normal relations with its neighbors, with a flourishing economy. It increases the danger that future generations of Arabs and Muslims will view it as a foreign implantation, installed in this region by force, with every decent Muslim, from Morocco to Indonesia, duty-bound to strive for its uprooting.

Such insights are far from the capability of our three generals to absorb. Sharon, Mofaz, Ya'alon and their ilk understand only brute force in the service of a narrow nationalism. Peace does not inspire them, for them compromise is a dirty word. It is quite clear that they will feel much more comfortable if the Palestinian people is led by fanatical religious fighters than by a man prepared to compromise like Yasser Arafat.

Adapted from

Posted by tarbawi at 6:11 PM WST
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Hati...iltizam...istiqamah...cergas belajar...???

From: "muhammad muhammad muhammad muhammad"
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2004 16:02:28 +0000

Boleh ana dapat sedikit nasihat tak dari akhi tentang bagaimana nak rawat hati yang hampir sakit??? Dan satu lagi bagaimana caranyer utk kita terus iltizam dan istiqamah selepas kita bertaubat kepada Allah. Sebab bukan senang utk iltizam taubat yang telah kita lakukan. Seperkara lagi, bagaimanakah caranya utk jadikan diri kita sentiasa cergas dalam menuntut ilmu dan melaksanakan D&T ini?? Harap akhi boleh beri sedikit panduan, insya'Allah. Assalamulaikum..


~ Nak rawat hati

Merawat penyakit hati banyak telah dihurai dan diperjelaskan oleh para ulama' dalam karya-karya mereka.

Antara maksud sabda nabi kita Muhammad saw ialah:"Hati itu akan berkarat sepertimana berkaratnya besi. Maka apakah cara menggilapnya? Mengingati mati dan tilawah AlQuran." Oleh itu langkah awal ialah dengan kita kembali menjinakkan hati dengan AlQura'an. Kita pebanyakkan tilawah dan tadabbur.

Menziarahi kubur mengingatkan kita kepada mati yang semakin hari semakin kita mendekatinya. Moga pandangan mata yang terlontar kepada susun baris batu-batu nisan dapat memperingati kita betapa fananya hidup kita di dunia ini. "Wahai ahli kubur! Kami juga akan menurut jejak kamu semua...", itulah antara kandungan do'a yang diajar oleh Rasulullah saw ketika menziarahi kubur.

Allah juga berfirman yang bermaksud, "Bukankah dengan mengingati Allah itu menenangkan hati-hati?" Perbanyakkanlah aktiviti yang meningkatkan hubungan hati kita dengan Allah seperti solah, puasa, wirid, zikir dan doa seperti yang telah ditunjukkan oleh Rasulullah saw. Wirid-wirid selepas solah fardhu dan wazifah sughra dan kubra dari AlMa'thurat adalah di antaranya.

Teruskan proses anjakan paradigma minda dan hati kita dari hambatan dan tambatan dunyawi kepada ukhrawi. Jadikan semua langkah dan tindakan kita bermotifkan Akhirat - Kita ukhrawikan semua dunyawi kita...

Semua ini kita mulakan dengan niat yang ikhlas semata-mata mengharap redha Allah swt. Kita faham bahawa iman boleh bertambah dan berkurang. Iman akan meningkat bila kita melaksanakan `amal soleh dan menurun bila kita melakukan maksiat yang ditegah. Inilah sunnah timbal balik iman dan `amal: iman mencetuskan `amal manakala `amal meningkatkan iman.


~ Nak terus iltizam dan istiqamah selepas taubat

Iltizam dan istiqamah akan mudah terpelihara dan tertingkat jika hati dan minda kita sentiasa didedahkan kepada ransangan-ransangan yang 'conducive' kepada kebaikan. Oleh itu antara keperluan tarbiyah selain dari manhaj yang sohih dan qudwah hasanah ialah biah solehah (suasana yang soleh).

Lantaran itu perbanyakkanlah keberadaan kita pada suasana yang soleh dan dalam masa yang sama turut berfikir dan berusaha mewujudkan suasana-suasana yang dapat meransang kebaikan, seperti lebih kerap bersama rakan-rakan yang soleh, menghadiri majlis-majlis jilsah/halaqah/pengajian ilmu, ziarah, riyadhah, rehlah tarbawi, aktiviti amr ma'aruf/nahi munkar dan sebagainya. Ingatlah kambing yang terpisah dari kumpulannya akan dibaham oleh serigala lapar yang mengejar mereka.

Semua usaha ini kita lakukan atas dorongan iman kita kepada Allah swt. Atas kesedaran ini kita tidak pernah putus asa dari rahmat dan pengampunan Allah swt. Kita bersangka baik dan amat mengharapkan limpahan keluasan sifat Maha Pengampun Allah swt dalam kita mempersembahkan taubat kita kepadaNya. Maksud AlHadith:"Setiap anak Adam melakukan kesilapan/kesalahan/keterlanjuran, dan sebaik-baik orang yang melakukan kesilapan ialah mereka yang bertaubat."


~ Nak cergas dalam menuntut ilmu dan melaksanakan D&T

Perlaksanaan tarbiyah yang kita ambil dari Madrasah Nabawi menekankan pembentukan ketiga-tiga fakulti insan iaitu minda, jiwa dan jasad. Aqal yang sejahtera berada pada badan yang sihat. Kurang memberi perhatian kepada aspek kesihatan (gaya hidup sihat) seperti riyadhah, pemakanan seimbang dan sebagainya melambatkan pengedaran oksigen dalam aliran darah kita. Ini boleh menyebabkan rendahnya kadar oksigen yang dialirkan ke otak kita. Otak yang kurang oksigen melemahkan ketangkasan gerakan kita.

Dari aspek dorongan dalaman, motto `kita belajar kerana Allah untuk Islam' bahkan jika kita faham bahawa `apa saja langkah dan tindakan kita semuanya kerana Allah untuk Islam' sudah cukup sebagai motivasi minda dan jiwa kita untuk terus cergas belajar serta melaksanakan D & T. Jika jiwa dan minda kita meletakkan Islam sebagai suatu perkara besar dan utama dalam hidup kita dan Allah sebagai tujuan dan matlamat utama kita semua halangan-halangan, sama ada dalaman atau pun luaran, menjadi kecil pada pandangan kita.

Maaf jika jawapan-jawapan ringkas ini tidak sepenuhnya menjawab kemusykilan sdr.

Laman Tarbawi

Posted by tarbawi at 5:00 PM WST
Updated: Thursday, 1 April 2004 5:41 PM WST
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